Lucas performing at the Worcester Sharks game

THMS (Turkey Hill Middle School of Lunenburg, MA) performing at the Sharks

On Sunday, March 9th, the Turkey Hill Middle school of Lunenburg, MA was invited to perform the National Anthem at the Worcester Sharks Hockey game.

The Chorus met outside the DCU Center in Worcester at 2pm and was guided to the green room for warmup.  At 3pm they performed the National Anthem after the players took the ice.  It was a wonderful performance that left us feeling proud of Lucas and the entire THMS chorus with guidance from Mr. A.

After the performance, we enjoyed the game and cheered for the Sharks.  Best of all, the Sharks won over the Albany Devils after overtime and shootout.


THMS Anthem Sharks GameDCU Center Bryan and Finy at Sharks game

First time on the school bus…

They finally got to ride the big yellow bus!

SAM_1986August 2013

The kids were so excited to finally ride the bus to school.

This was the highlight of their first day at school in the US.

We found out there are seating rules to the bus.  Upper grades sit at the back, lower grades get the front.

SAM_1991 SAM_1990 SAM_1989 SAM_1988 SAM_1985 Lucas off bus